
Atlanta WooCommerce Development Agency

You run an online business. But are you doing everything you can to get it found? There’s a strong chance you’re leaving opportunities on the table. Stay ahead by establishing a holistic WooCommerce strategy that will make your online storefront pop. Captivate’s WooCommerce experts combine years of WordPress design experience with SEO-driven creative solutions. Our team deeply understands the ecommerce market and how to stand out amongst the heavy competition.

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Benefits of WooCommerce Websites

  • Open Source & Portable

    Due to its Open Source nature, there are thousands of WooCommerce developers worldwide. This makes it easy for you to move your ecommerce website to a different server or development company.

  • Intuitive Store Management

    Managing ecommerce stores developed on WooCommerce is user friendly and intuitive. Easily add new products and store categories, manage customer shipments, apply coupon codes and more.

  • Flexible Theme Customization

    Not happy with any of the hundreds of standard WooCommerce themes? That’s not a problem! WooCommerce themes are designer friendly and highly customizable for any brand, layout, or desired functionality.

  • SEO-Friendly Platform

    Backed by its WordPress parent platform, WooCommerce websites have exceptional potential to rank highly in the organic SEO results. That visibility is mission critical to any online store seeking growth.

  • Extensive Library of Plugins

    Want to integrate multiple payment methods or a CRM? WooCommerce features an extensive library of Extensions and plugins to help manage your store the way you need it to function.

  • Powerful Customer Tracking & Analytics

    WooCommerce offers substantial tracking capabilities out-of-the-box, but when paired with a ecommerce funnel tagging setup, you’ll be able to gather valuable user insights to help improve your customer experience.

Benefits of WooCommerce

Benefits of WooCommerce

What ecommerce platform is best for your business? There’s a strong argument that you should use WooCommerce. As part of the WordPress universe, a significant benefit of WooCommerce is that it’s an open-source platform. That means we can create a storefront customized to your business needs, not getting stuck in an unwanted theme. Moreover, WooCommerce offers a user-friendly experience for both the buyer and seller — on top of numerous other benefits, such as:

  • Ensure smooth payments, accounting, and shipping, tracking your inventory and delivering your products promptly
  • Manage orders while on the go, conveniently providing a simple and seamless admin platform
  • Access to countless plugins that can help grow your business, helping you design your dream storefront
Organic SEO Services

End-to-End WooCommerce Web Design & Development

End-to-End WooCommerce Web Design & Development

Looking to start an ecommerce business? You’ve come to the right place. At Captivate, we’ll work with you to develop your ecommerce business from inception, setting you up with a WooCommerce site destined for success. With our Search First® methodology approach, we center SEO within all of our services. Our experts will design a website leveraging keyword data, SEO insights, and search trends to help your WooCommerce achieve a high-ranking search result.

  • Create an SEO-friendly WooCommerce site that’s high on functionality while maintaining a great user experience, focusing on generating results
  • Optimize the website’s structure and plugins, understanding how to best utilize the benefits of the WooCommerce platform
  • Foster a friendly environment for potential customers or clients, designing and developing a welcoming and friendly site catering to users
Local SEO Services

Ecommerce Migrations to WooCommerce

Ecommerce Migrations to WooCommerce

Maybe you already have an ecommerce business — but want to take advantage of the many benefits of WooCommerce. The Captivate team will provide a smooth and seamless migration of your digital storefront to the WooCommerce platform. We’ll ensure nothing is lost in the transition, ensuring maximum security throughout the process. Then, once the migration is over, our experts will customize and optimize your new WooCommerce storefront to achieve the highest SEO possible.

  • Know the challenges of ecommerce migration to WooCommerce, ensuring all data is moved smoothly and securely
  • Look for SEO opportunities throughout the process, understanding that migration presents a particular set of challenges
  • Simply the new user experience on WooCommerce, implementing clever design, accelerated page load speed, and other UX methodologies
Ecommerce SEO Services

WooCommerce Theme Customization

WooCommerce Theme Customization

WooCommerce offers a tremendous amount of customization. At Captivate, our expert team is ready to design and develop a unique and engaging WooCommerce theme or template for your digital storefront. We’ll listen to your goals and create a user-friendly experience rooted in our Search First® methodology. After all, your beautiful new ecommerce site needs to get found, right?

  • Leverage SEO-enhanced content within your customized WooCommerce theme, building a compelling digital experience that drives conversions
  • Listen to our client’s wants and desires, working with you to build the WooCommerce theme of your dreams
  • Ensure the WooCommerce theme effectively works both visually and technically, focusing on both user experience and seamless conversions

WooCommerce Integrations

WooCommerce Integrations

There are countless benefits to utilizing a WooCommerce platform for your ecommerce business. But without proper integration, the digital storefront’s performance could be in jeopardy. Our team of developers has extensive experience integrating all the services WooCommerce offers, such as shopping cart integration, API integration, payment gateway integration, and other potential plugin integrations.

  • Know the best WooCommerce integrations — what’s worth investing in and what’s a waste of time
  • Utilize innovative SEO practices to make sure WooCommerce integrations help increase search rankings, not the other way around
  • Provide perspective on how to get the most out of your WooCommerce site, understanding what tools will help you understand and increase your profit margin

WooCommerce Maintenance and Support

WooCommerce Maintenance and Support

Once we launch your new WooCommerce store, our job has only just begun. Our developers will orchestrate a smooth launch, ensuring proper indexing and search optimization. Then, while making sure your WooCommerce store is up and running without any issues, we monitor the backend, keeping your data secure and watching for any growth opportunities.

  • Know how to seamlessly integrate a WooCommerce store online, focusing on a practical and secure launch
  • Utilize the Captivate Search First® methodology to place your store as high as possible, jumping ahead of competitors
  • Prioritize security with maintenance and support, understanding potential obstacles or threats

Our Approach

  • Captivate Approach

    Step 1


    Discuss and determine your WooCommerce design objectives.

  • Captivate Approach

    Step 2


    Explore relevant competitors, keyword data, search trends, and SEO insights.

  • Captivate Approach

    Step 3


    Minimize load speed, optimize user engagement, and maximize conversion rate optimization.

  • Captivate Approach

    Step 4


    Minimize load speed, optimize user engagement, and maximize conversion rate optimization.

  • Captivate Approach

    Step 5


    Track and report load speeds, user feedback, and KPIs.

  • Captivate Approach

    Step 1


    Discuss and determine your WooCommerce design objectives.

  • Captivate Approach

    Step 2


    Explore relevant competitors, keyword data, search trends, and SEO insights.

  • Captivate Approach

    Step 3


    Minimize load speed, optimize user engagement, and maximize conversion rate optimization.

  • Captivate Approach

    Step 4


    Minimize load speed, optimize user engagement, and maximize conversion rate optimization.

  • Captivate Approach

    Step 5


    Track and report load speeds, user feedback, and KPIs.

Atlanta WooCommerce Web Design FAQs

How is WooCommerce different from Shopify?

While WooCommerce is an open-source plugin built for WordPress, Shopify is an all-in-one platform and service for your online storefront. Because it’s a holistic service, Shopify hosts your website, offers a drag-and-drop interface for web design, and eliminates the need to manage software. WooCommerce, meanwhile, helps build highly customizable websites within WordPress. Like WordPress, WooCommerce sites need external hosting, a domain name, and more extensive management.

Both WooCommerce and Shopify offer unique advantages and disadvantages for your business. Please consult with our team to learn which platform is right for you.

Is WooCommerce hard to use?

WooCommerce offers intuitive design possibilities but has a bit of a learning curve. Unlike other platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce offers no drag & drop design builder. While there are free WooCommerce themes, customization requires a working knowledge of WordPress HTML. Add in the thousands of WordPress plugins accessible to any WooCommerce site, and options to modify your site are limitless. Although balancing these plugins and options takes time, WooCommerce sites ultimately offer unparalleled levels of design control.

Do I need a WooCommerce web designer?

A WooCommerce web designer eliminates your need to handle the extensive ins and outs of WooCommerce web design. Our experts understand how to finetune WooCommerce design without the trial and error of a WordPress newcomer. We stay updated about the latest WordPress updates, fixing and renovating your site before you know there’s been a change. Finally, with our years of experience, we know what plugins you need to maximize your site’s ROI.

How is Captivate different from other WooCommerce design agencies?

Most agencies offer a niche focus in specific areas, whether in WooCommerce web design, digital marketing, or SEO. While these agencies provide quality, they force brands to work with multiple vendors and partners to achieve marketing objectives.

Captivate combines disciplines without sacrificing quality to form a holistic WooCommerce design agency. We use accomplished WooCommerce designers and developers to design your user experience and interface. Meanwhile, our digital marketing specialists write copy and headers that facilitate key SEO objectives. Our collective expertise makes Captivate the perfect hub for all your projects.